How to Delete Your WhatsApp Account

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WhatsApp has grown into an indispensable tool for staying connected with friends, family, and colleagues around the globe. However, there might come a time when you need to delete your WhatsApp account. Whether you’re looking for a digital detox, or shifting to another messaging platform, the steps to permanently delete your account remain the same. Here’s an in-depth guide to help you navigate this process in 2023.

Step 1: Understanding What Happens When You Delete Your WhatsApp Account

Before you proceed with the account deletion process, it’s crucial to know what deleting your WhatsApp account entails. Deletion is irreversible and leads to the loss of your message history, Google Drive backup, and WhatsApp groups. Moreover, you’re removed from all WhatsApp groups, and your Google Drive backup is also deleted.

Step 2: Back Up Important Data

Given that account deletion leads to loss of data, it’s wise to backup important data. You can export individual chats or entire chat history. To do this, open a chat, tap on ‘More options’ > ‘More’ > ‘Export chat’.

Step 3: Deleting Your Account

Once you’ve secured your data, it’s time to proceed with deleting the WhatsApp account. Follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Go to the ‘More options’ menu (three dots at the top-right corner).
  3. Tap on ‘Settings’ > ‘Account’ > ‘Delete my account’.
  4. Enter your phone number in full international format and tap ‘DELETE MY ACCOUNT’.
  5. Select a reason for deleting your account from the dropdown.

Step 4: Post-Deletion Measures

After deleting your WhatsApp account, remember to uninstall the app from your smartphone. In case you wish to rejoin later, you’ll need to create a new account with a fresh number, as the old account is irretrievable.

Step 5: Moving On – Exploring Alternatives to WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of many available messaging apps. If you’ve chosen to leave, it’s likely you’re in search of a suitable replacement. Options like Telegram, Signal, and Viber provide similar functionalities with varying degrees of privacy and security features.

Deleting your WhatsApp account is a significant step that can’t be undone. Be certain that this is the path you wish to tread, as you’ll lose all data and access to your contacts via this platform. This guide aims to help you in this process, providing a step-by-step approach to delete your WhatsApp account in 2023.

After you deleting the old account, if you want to create a new one. For security consideration, it is better to use a virtual phone number to register it. Please signup and login to the SMS Bus,

Put “WhatsApp” on the left and find the country you prefer then add it to the cart

Copy the phone number on the right and get back to the WhatsApp register page and paste it. click “send the code”, get back to and copy the verification code and put it to the WhatsApp. Now you have a new account.

If you want to know more registration without your phone number, please refer to SMS Blog for more information.

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