Privacy Policy

We value your privacy greatly. As a result, we have developed this policy so that you are aware of how we gather, use, share, and disclose personal information. Your personal data is used solely to maintain and enhance the website. You consent to the collection and use of your information in line with this policy by using this website. The terminology used in this privacy policy, unless otherwise specified, has the same meaning as those in our terms and conditions.

We shall identify the purpose of collecting personal information before or at the time of collection.
We collect and use personal information solely for the purposes we state and for other suitable purposes unless we acquire the agreement of the individual concerned or as required by law.
We shall only maintain the personal information required for these reasons.

We shall acquire personal information in a lawful and fair manner and, when applicable, with the knowledge or agreement of the individual concerned.Personal data must be relevant to the purpose for which it is used and accurate, full, and up to date to the degree necessary to achieve these goals.

We shall take reasonable security steps to safeguard personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, duplication, use, or alteration.We will notify consumers about our rules and procedures regarding personal information handling.

Your privacy
To preserve your privacy, follow all legal obligations. Our privacy policy is a legal document that details how we gather your information, how we share it, and how you may limit how we share it. We utilize the personal information you give in accordance with this privacy statement. If you supply personal data for a specific reason, we may use it for that purpose alone. For example, registration information provided while creating an account may be used to propose goods to you based on previous purchases. We may use your personal information to give access to and track your usage of the website’s services.
We may also utilize your personal data and other unidentified personal information obtained through the website to improve the website’s content and functionalities, better understand our users, and improve our services. Our privacy policy contains capitalized phrases. The definitions section below explains what these phrases signify.

Personal information that you do not recognize is referred to as “non-personal information.” We will automatically gather this information when you access our website using a web browser. It may also comprise information that is publicly available and that you share with others. “Personal identity information” refers to non-personal information that you can identify and get in order for us to offer you information on our website. Personal identifying information may comprise information about you that you have supplied to us or that we have collected, such as your name, email address, and other pertinent information.

Information we collect
In general, you have discretion over the quantity and type of information you send us when you use our website. As a visitor, you may learn more about our website by visiting it. As a guest, you are not required to furnish us with any personally identifying information.

Computer information collected
We will automatically gather some computer information when you use our website due to the interaction between your mobile phone or web browser and our website. Such data is often regarded as non-personal.

Our website employs “cookies” to track which pages you have visited. A cookie is a little piece of data kept on your computer or mobile device by a web browser. Cookies are used to tailor what you see on our website. Most web browsers allow you to deactivate cookies. However, if you disable cookies, you may be unable to use certain elements on our website properly or at all. We will never save personal identification information in cookies.

Geographic information
We may use GPS Technologies (or other similar technology) to establish your present position when you use a mobile app in order to determine your city and show content with relevant facts or adverts. Your current location will not be shared with other users or partners. If you do not want us to use your location for the aforementioned objectives, you should disable location services for mobile applications in your account settings, mobile settings, and/or mobile apps.

Automatic information
We will get information from your web browser or mobile device automatically. This information includes the name of the website you visited before visiting our website (if any) and the name of the website you visited after leaving our website. This information also contains the IP address of the computer or proxy server used to access the Internet, the name of the Internet site provider, the type of web browser used, the type of mobile device utilized, and the computer operating system. All of this information is used to study user trends in order to enhance our website.

Log data
When you visit our website, we, like many other website operators, gather information (“log data”) given by your browser. Your computer’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, browser version, sites you visit on our website, visit time and date, time spent on these pages, and other statistics may be included in the log data. No website operator shall force children under the age of 13 to give more information than is legitimately necessary as a condition of participation, according to the Children’s Online Privacy Security Act. If personal information regarding children under the age of 13 is gathered and retained, parents may contact us through email for a review.

We use your information in the following ways:

Personalize our website
We may personalize our website based on the personally identifiable information you offer us as well as any computer information we receive.

Distribute information to members and other third parties
We will never sell, lease, or provide your personal identification information to a third party for marketing reasons. We may disclose your personal identity information to affiliates (such as payment processors and website hosting companies) who provide us with services related to our website; such affiliates will only receive the information required to provide the corresponding services, and are subject to confidentiality agreements that limit their use of such information.

Data collection
We retain the right to collect and utilize any non-personal information you provide while using our website, and to use this data for internal analysis in order to enhance our website and services, as well as for the use or sales of others. This type of data summary will never include any of your personal information.

The release of information is mandated by law
If a subpoena, legal action, or other legal process forces us to reveal your personal identification information, we may be required to do so lawfully. (b) the need to assist law enforcement officers or government law enforcement agencies; (c) the need to investigate violations or otherwise enforce our legal terms; (d) the need to protect us from legal proceedings or claims from third parties, including you and/or other members; (E) the protection of the legitimate rights of our users, employees, and branches, individuals / real estate or persons.

Choose not to participate
When we ask for information, we provide you the option to “opt-out” of having your personally identifiable information used for certain purposes. If you do not wish to receive any further materials or alerts from us, you may indicate your choices on our registration form when you sign up for the website.

Connect to other websites
Our website may include connections to websites that are not directly under our control. These websites’ privacy practices may differ. We have no control or responsibility for the connected website and simply provide these links for visitors’ and information’s convenience. You browse such connected sites at your own risk. These websites are not covered by this privacy statement. You should read the privacy policies for these particular sites, if any, to understand how the operators of these third-party sites will use your personal information. These sites may also contain connections to the websites of our affiliates. This privacy statement does not apply to our member websites. You should read their separate privacy policies to understand how the owners of such websites will use your personal information.

We value the security of your personal information, but please keep in mind that no method of transmission or electronic storage on the Internet is completely safe. We make every effort to secure your personal information in a commercially acceptable manner, but we cannot guarantee its complete security. We implement realistic safeguards to avoid the loss, misuse, and alteration of personal data under our control. Personal information is kept in a safe database and is always transmitted via encrypted SSL when enabled by your web browser. No network or email communication can be completely secure and error-free. Email sent to or from a website, for example, may not be secure. You must use extreme caution when determining what information is submitted to us by email.

Privacy policy revision
We retain the right to change this privacy statement at any time. This privacy statement should be read on a regular basis. If we make a substantial change to this policy, we may notify you through blog post, email, or other means. It is entirely up to us which approach we choose. We shall also modify the “last update” date at the top of this privacy statement. All modifications to our privacy policy will be effective as of the latest updated date and will replace any prior privacy policies.

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