How to Set Up an Etsy Account Without a Phone Number

Table of Contents

Introduction to Etsy

Etsy is a global online marketplace specializing in unique and creative goods. It’s a platform where artists, crafters, and vintage collectors connect directly with buyers. However, you should create an Etsy account without a phone number for many reasons.

Creating Your Etsy Account

The first step in the process is visiting Etsy’s homepage. Click on the ‘Register’ link in the top right corner from here. You’ll be prompted to enter an email address, first name, and password.

The email address will serve as your primary mode of communication with Etsy. Make sure to use an email that you check regularly.

Etsy’s Account Verification

After completing the initial registration process, Etsy typically requests phone number verification. However, if you prefer not to share your number, email verification is an alternative option.

If you’d instead not provide a phone number, click ‘skip’ or ‘later’. Then, proceed to verify your account via email.

Email Verification

Etsy will send a verification email to the address you’ve provided. It includes a link or a code that you need to input to verify your account. By clicking on this link or inputting the code, you confirm the legitimacy of your email address.

After completing email verification, you can browse Etsy, purchase, and even shop.

Establishing Your Etsy Presence

After successfully creating your account, consider personalizing your Etsy experience. You can add a profile picture, write a short bio, and even set your preferences for the products you’re interested in.

Creating a Shop on Etsy

You’ll need to provide additional information to create a shop on Etsy. This includes your shop name, items for sale, payment methods, and shop policies.

Etsy may request your phone number during this process. However, there is usually an option to verify with email, similar to the account creation process. While creating an Etsy account without a phone number is possible, keep in mind that certain features might be limited. For instance, two-factor authentication, which enhances security, requires a phone number. So normally we will use a virtual number to get the verification. Just login the sms bus

Search the Etsy on the left, choose the country you like and add it to the cart,

Copy the phone number on the right and fill it on the Etsy and get the code for the verification.


This comprehensive guide gives you all the information you need to create an Etsy account without a phone number. By opting for getting a virtual phone number from SMS BUS verification, you can enjoy a seamless online shopping experience while maintaining privacy.

Remember to be diligent with the security of your email account, as it will be the primary method for Etsy communication and account recovery.

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