How to Create a Facebook Ad Account Without Phone Number

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How To Create the Second Facebook Accounts Without Phone Number in 2023

In today’s business world, promoting goods or services online is essential to reaching a wider audience and increasing profits. While this may seem simple, finding effective online advertising spots can be challenging, particularly on social media platforms like Facebook, where users may face regular blockages or bans.

Signup A Facebook Account Without Phone No.

One common issue Facebook advertisers face is the requirement to verify their mobile numbers. This can be particularly frustrating for those who do not wish to provide their number or do not have access to one. Fortunately, there is a solution. Here’s how to register a Facebook Ads account without a phone number.

To get started:

  1. Sign up for a regular Facebook profile using your email address.
  2. Once you’ve created your profile, navigate to Facebook Business Manager and click “Create an account.”
  3. Fill in all the required fields, confirm your registration via email, and then start setting up your new Facebook Ad account.

However, there may be instances where Facebook requires mobile number verification during regular profile registration. A virtual phone number can be used as an alternative in these cases. Obtaining and activating a virtual number is simple and can be done online from anywhere in the world.

How to Create Ad Account on Facebook on SMS Bus

To create a Facebook Ads account using a virtual number:

  1. Sign up for a profile at a virtual phone number service like bus sign up
  2. Replenish your balance, select the country for your virtual number, and then choose Facebook from the list of supported online services.
  3. Purchase and use the virtual number when signing up for a new Facebook account.
  4. Retrieve the verification code from the virtual number provider and complete the profile registration process.

Where to Take A Virtual Mobile Number for Free?

It’s essential to remember that free virtual phone numbers are available, but they come with certain risks. Since these numbers are publicly available and accessible, they can be used by multiple users for the same online service. This means that there’s a risk of someone stealing your profile information. For long-term use and increased security, opting for a paid and private virtual phone number is better.

With some know-how and the right tools, creating a Facebook Ads account without a phone number is possible. By following the steps outlined above, you can start promoting your business to a broader audience and increasing profits quickly. If you want to know more information, please visit SMS Bus Blog for detail.

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